Florida Panhandle
Saint George Island &
Bald Point State Park
Dec 19-21, 2020 Saint George Island
Dec 21-23, 2020 Bald Pt. State Park
Gorgeous!! Untouched! Miles of flats!
Beautiful waterfront campsites!
Great food at a local hangout!
And we made a new friend…

Truly beautiful. White sand. Sea shells of every shape and kind. And flats shallow enough to walk all the way out in the water, for hours….which of course, we did.
Water temp 58-60 degrees. Brrrrrr. Ok, with waders, no problem. With leggings and a pair of Cary’s ankle-high rubber booties (size 12) I wear (size 6) it really wasn’t too cold. After the first 5 minutes, I could no longer feel your feet. They remained numb for the next 2 hours. FYI- water height to Cary’s mid-calf. AKA to Jamie’s hips.
After an hour or so of walking south and east, on my right I saw a fish come flying out of the water! A trout! Whoohoo! I was laser focused on him. For the next 40 min he continued to jump out of the water. 1st to my right (3:00), then at about 1:00, then at about 11:00. I just kept slowly tracking him. And then…one last jump at 9:00 and within a minute….GOT HIM! I’m reeling him in and realize, uh oh….Cary is waaaay over there with the net and the stringer.
I yelled for Cary and he yells back….”keep him in the water!” Huh? At this point he’s dangling in mid-air and thrashing back and forth. He’s a beauty. A 20″ trout. I’m thinking, in the water, of course. So being the experienced fisherman I am, I start to sloooowly lower him tail first in the water. Cary is still yelling, “keep him in the water!” I’m thinking, “I know that, Cary.” 🙂 And when it finally occurs to me that he should be UNDER the water, he thrashes once more and poof, spits the hook and off he goes. 🙁
All wasn’t lost! About 1/2 hours later, it happens again! Only by this time Cary smartly kept right by my side when I hooked the next one. Cary dipped his net and sure enough, another beautiful trout and BIGGER than the first one. Trout on the grill for dinner!
I can just see you & this situation for sure!